Year 3 visit Hadleigh Roundhouse
The Year 3 children really enjoyed their trip to Hadleigh Roundhouse; the day was full off exciting learning. When we arrived we were...
Yr 5&6 attend SPSSA tag Rugby Tournament
Years five and six attended the SPSSA tag rugby tournament at Southend Rugby Club. We played three games in total, had lots of fun and...
Year 5 visit Focal Point
In October, Year 5 were given the opportunity to visit local gallery Focal Point, which is situated next to the library in Southend. The...
Hate Crime Assembly
On Monday 14th October, two visitors took our assembly to talk about hate crime. James from the Police spoke to the children about what...
Portico Art and Design Festival
The Portico Art and D.T. Festival took place for the first time this year. It showcased art and D.T. work from across the academy and the...
Year 3 to Hadleigh Roundhouse
The Year 3 children enjoyed an amazing day out at Hadleigh Roundhouse. Everyone learnt so much and had a great deal of fun. In the...