Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Tournament
The first Year 5 and 6 Girls Football Team at Porters Grange took part in a tournament on Wednesday 6th October and the aims that we set...
Year 5 Greenwich Visit
It was a really exciting morning when year 5 boarded the train bound for the Planetarium in Greenwich. Having planned their routes and...
Year 5 Road Safety
Today we were visited by the Southend Road Safety Team. We spent the morning learning about staying safe when crossing roads. We were...
Cross Country at Alleyn Court
Yesterday, 15 pupils from years 4, and 6 participated in a cross country friendly competition at Alleyn Court School. It was a lovely...
Rio Olympics Workshop
On Tuesday 19th July pupils in Key Stage 2 took part in a Rio Olympic workshop run by ‘Kidz Fit’. The sessions were really fun and...
KS2 Sports day
On Wednesday 13 th July pupils in Years 3, 4 5 and 6 took part in their sports morning. They participated in events such as; obstacle...