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Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Tournament

The first Year 5 and 6 Girls Football Team at Porters Grange took part in a tournament on Wednesday 6th October and the aims that we set out to achieve were accomplished. All nine of the girls enjoyed the day, gained experience of friendly competition and had fun!

The girls had not played competitively before or in fact altogether, but you would not have noticed as they all clicked showing great teamwork. They also displayed sports’woman’ship towards each other and the other schools that we came up against.

Miss Gibson was in attendance to help with the team and she mentioned how much potential she saw; so much so that she is keen to arrange an after school club. The club would be for the girls in the team plus others that are willing to join to gain more practice and experience.

The girls clearly gained confidence in the nine games they played. Staff at the school are very proud of them and they should all be proud of themselves too!

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